
Agile Team Agreement Sample(预告)

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Agile team agreement sample: Creating a foundation for successful collaboration

In today`s fast-paced business environment, companies are increasingly adopting agile methodologies to improve their processes and remain competitive. One of the essential elements of an agile framework is establishing a team agreement, which defines the norms, values, and expectations of team members. This article will provide insights into an agile team agreement sample and highlight the importance of creating a foundation for successful collaboration.

What is an agile team agreement?

An agile team agreement is a written document that outlines the expectations and commitments of a team working together in an agile environment. It defines the values, principles, and behaviors that team members agree to follow to achieve their collective goals. The team agreement creates a shared understanding of how the team will work, communicate, and interact.

Why is it essential to create an agile team agreement?

An agile team agreement provides numerous benefits, including:

– Creating a shared understanding: When team members have a clear understanding of how they will work together, what they expect from each other, and what behaviors are acceptable, they are more likely to work collaboratively towards shared goals.

– Setting expectations: By establishing expectations upfront, team members can avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

– Encouraging accountability: When individuals commit to a set of standards, they are more likely to hold themselves and their teammates accountable for meeting those standards.

– Increasing transparency: An agile team agreement can create an environment of openness and transparency, which promotes trust and psychological safety among team members.

What are some elements of an agile team agreement?

An agile team agreement can include a wide range of elements, depending on the needs of the team. Some of the common elements include:

– Team values: This section outlines the values that guide the team`s decisions and actions. It can include values such as respect, transparency, and collaboration.

– Working agreements: This section defines the specific practices that the team will follow, such as meeting frequency, communication channels, and decision-making processes.

– Definition of done: This section outlines the criteria that the team will use to determine when a task or project is considered complete.

– Team roles and responsibilities: This section defines the roles and responsibilities of each team member, including their contribution to the team`s success.

– Conflict resolution: This section outlines the process that the team will follow to resolve conflicts that may arise.

Agile team agreement sample

Here is an example of a simple agile team agreement that a team could use as a starting point:

– Team Values

We value collaboration, openness, and accountability. We respect each other`s opinions and ideas and will work together to achieve our common goals.

– Working Agreements

We will hold a daily stand-up meeting to discuss progress, issues, and blockers.

We will use Slack for all communication, and we will respond to messages within two hours during business hours.

We will use Trello to track tasks and progress.

When making decisions, we will strive for consensus, but if consensus is not possible, we will use a majority vote.

– Definition of Done

A task is considered done when it meets the acceptance criteria defined by the team.

– Team Roles and Responsibilities

Each team member is responsible for completing their assigned tasks and contributing to the team`s success.

The Scrum Master will facilitate the team`s meetings and ensure that the team is following the agile methodology.

The Product Owner will prioritize tasks and ensure that they align with the team`s goals.

– Conflict Resolution

If conflicts arise, we will first attempt to resolve them through open and honest communication.

If a resolution cannot be reached, we will escalate the issue to the Scrum Master, who will work with the team to find a resolution.


Creating an agile team agreement can help establish a foundation for successful collaboration. By defining the team values, working agreements, definition of done, team roles and responsibilities, and conflict resolution processes, team members can work together more effectively towards their shared goals. While the sample provided is a starting point, each team`s agreement should be unique and tailored to their specific needs and goals.



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