
Subject Verb Agreement Rule 13 Examples(预告)

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Subject-verb agreement is one of the most fundamental grammar rules that every writer needs to understand. It ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence are in agreement in terms of number. However, there are some tricky situations where writers can mistakenly violate this rule. To avoid such errors, it is important to know all the rules of subject-verb agreement.

Rule 13: Singular subjects connected by “or” or “nor” require a singular verb.

When two singular subjects are connected by “or” or “nor,” a singular verb is used. This is because the subjects are considered separately, and only one of them will act upon the verb. Here are some examples:

1. Either John or his friends is coming over tonight.

2. Neither the car nor the bike is available for rental.

3. Either the book or the movie was enjoyable.

4. Neither the teacher nor the students were happy with the new grading system.

5. Either the cat or the dog is responsible for knocking over the vase.

In each of these examples, the subjects are connected by “or” or “nor,” and the verbs are singular to match them. It is important to note that when the subjects have different numbers (one singular, one plural), the verb will agree with the subject closer to the verb.

6. Either John or his friends are responsible for the mess in the living room.

In this example, the verb “are” agrees with the plural subject “friends” because it is closer to the verb.

It is also important to remember that when two subjects are connected by “or” or “nor” and they are both plural, the verb must be plural as well.

7. Neither the boys nor the girls were interested in playing basketball.

In this example, the verb “were” agrees with the plural subjects “boys” and “girls.”

Understanding and applying the subject-verb agreement rule is essential to producing grammatically correct and effective writing. By following this rule, writers can ensure that their sentences are clear, concise, and easy to understand. So, use these examples to master this rule and become a more confident and effective writer.



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